Libraries in Bloom
Libraries in Bloom’s (LIB) mission is to cultivate a diverse library workforce by providing professional pathways for young adults of color and elevate innovative and equitable library practices that more fully serve communities. Follow along as we capture the various ways in which libraries bloom, impacting the environment around them.
Libraries in Bloom
Ep 11: Elevating Racial Equity in the Workplace
Libraries in Bloom
Meet Dominic Davis, a black, white, Native American queer man from the eastern upper peninsula of Michigan. He is currently a Library Assistant at the Pinney library location within the Madison Public Library system in Wisconsin. Dominic is also the co-chair for their internal Racial Equity Change Team (RECT) and project manager for the Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) Affinity Group. Come learn more about RECT and the BIPOC Affinity Group in this episode. Dominic gives critique and discusses progress within both internal groups.